Saturday, February 3, 2018

Excerpt from Purgat0ry

I have had many friends over the years. Some Proxies, some Runners, a whole bunch of shady and neutral characters.
I don't know how most of them are doing until they come through my home or I get a confirmed kill report.

I try my best to get to the scenes of their demise, and find what I can to salvage from their belongings. Be it info, journals of their last days, or sentimental tokens of their lives to remember them by.

But sometimes.. sometimes things are brought to me as bribes for protection or safe shelter. And sometimes, items literally show up in my path.

This is one of those items.

The sharp-eyed should figure this one out quickly, anyway. I don't need to hold your hands on this one.. I hope.

"I'm dead.  I have to be, there's no reason on Earth or in Heaven why I could still be alive.  This is hell, it has to be.  Its Hell. This endless weary existence i've fallen upon, trudging these leaves beneath my feet.  I feel like I've forgotten everything, every principle part of existence. Laughter, Hunger, Tears.

Well that's not all true, I remember some things. Shame, regret, fear.  I can't be dead if I feel, can I?  Everything's so monochrome.  I walk along a path of black leaves, everywhere I go, and I never find the end.  I don't remember why I walk.  I just know I need to.  Keep moving, eyes forward. Avoid the trees

The Trees

I feel like I deserve this. Every bit of it. That I did something stupid, something horrible, that I cost people something valuable.

This is hell. This is my penance

God help me I'm so tired."

The page crumbled at the edges as I set it out to read again and document.

Ash now coats my hands.

Your job, now, is to figure out who wrote this page. I know by handwriting, but I'm aware that's unfair.

So. I will give a hint. The name is literally somewhere on this page, and not in the image. The answer is staring you in the face. Look very closely.

Oh, there is a false lead or two for the veterans.

First to figure it out gets to ask me any question they want answered, within reason.

Enjoy your little riddle, kiddos.


  1. Oh look, I win the prize! Despite starting in emails, I want the question here, though because other people will want to know too. If you don't want to tell the entire internet, you can email it to me after all.

    How do you recognize his handwriting so easily?

    1. Because I've seen it before, before certain events. As an extra bonus for your being so respectful of the other readers, I'll even throw in an extra detail:

      I never said this was the first or only page I had. Or even when I procured it.

      Wordplay is such fun.

  2. If you're collecting files, I have some I could pass on. I don't want anything to happen to them but I can't stand having them around.


    1. I've been collecting since before I ran. Contact me via email, and we'll talk logistics and transport. I'll be happy to come to you or meet in a middle ground.

      As Shady used to say.. Stay safe.

  3. You going all name-changety on us? Didn't you do that before, too? I don't remember... It's been a while. Also, you gots a typo in your title there.

    1. Or maybe it's intentional. Is it intentional? Stylistic?

    2. This was once my backup writing account. This was actually the name I used as a Gatherer back in the day. I've frankly been too lazy to change my name from one three letter name to another. But, if it bothers those that know me...

      It was intentional. I'm not saying why.

  4. I have had so many identities, it's difficult to keep track of them. It's why I keep a scrapbook of my speeding tickets, headlines, indictments, and old drivers licenses.

    It's fun to occasionally flip through it and see how different I manage to look between different identities. I might share a few pages of that if I get drunk enough haha

    Dia is how I think of myself, though, in my head. For.. reasons.

  5. You know I don't like games, Red.

    But I'll bite. Whatever you're doing isn't exactly what we've asked, but you're stretching yourself out so thin.

    How about you come back out of the cold?

    Your Friend,
    Section Chief

    1. There are hidden reasons to this that benefit corporate. I am technically fulfilling one of Higher Management's commands by doing this, I just can't explain how yet.

      Talk to me. What do you mean by that?

  6. You know that I mean, Red. You scratch my back, I scratch yours.

    Ever think about how you're getting compensated?

    Hit me up.

    - Section Chief


When Words Interchange

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